Land Banking Joint Ventures

The principals of will joint venture the acquisition of undeveloped California land with land investors. We are interested in land banking for periods of five years or longer where we own a 25% tenancy in common interest (up to 50%) with a 75% co-owner. By joining with us in purchasing land for investment, you benefit from our acquisition, due diligence, marketing, and financing knowledge and experience. Ask us about rolling over your IRA and/or 401K investment funds into a Self-Directed IRA and / or 401K Account that can be used to acquire land or other qualified investments.

Any land broker can tell you a parcel of land is a great investment, close the sale, collect a commission, and wish you success. We are different. At your option, we will invest our dollars together with you to acquire land for investment. We are not aware of any other land broker that will joint venture land acquisitions. We offer land banking investors this option because we are confident that when we recommend an investment, it will be a good long term investment. Therefore, we make our own funds available for investment in land that we select. Land banking is the practice of buying and holding pre-developed land in the path of growth.

Land Banking Joint Venture - Example


  • Land is purchased for $200,000 with 20% down payment. The seller carries financing for 15 years. We are responsible for selecting the property and all due diligence.
  • We contribute 50% of the down payment and own 50%.
  • Investor contributes 50% of the down payment and owns 50%.
  • Each co-owner is responsible for 50% of the monthly interest payments and real estate taxes.
  • At an agreed upon time, the land is sold with the net proceeds being divided 50% - 50%. We are responsible for the sale and earn a sales commission that we have agreed upon.



If you have $20,000 or more available to invest in a land banking joint venture, please call Michael Chulak to discuss your investment goals.



"I would never under any circumstances, ever buy a property on a land contract.
Land contracts ....... are dangerous for the buyer and just plain stupid."
Dave Ramsey