Neighborhood Safety Evaluations
Prospective Buyers and tenants often ask their real estate agents whether a particular neighborhood is safe. By law, real estate agents are not permitted to provide such opinions but are able to provide prospective buyers and tenants with the means to obtain the information requested.
While there are many websites that provide crime statistics and other relevant information, we recommend that you visit and the National Sex Offender Public Website before buying or leasing a home.
When you enter an address on the website, it will display a list of crimes reported in the vicinity complete with dates, the types of crimes committed and other relevant information. You can compare neighborhoods using this tool. This information is collected from various law enforcement agencies.
When you enter an address on the National Sex Offender Public Website, it will display a list of persons who are on the sex offender list including the crime, and their last known address. This information is collected by the U.S. Department of Justice from several sources.
Another method is to drive through a neighborhood to determine whether people have installed window bars, door bars, and/or front yard security fencing.
While no neighborhood is completely free of crime, checking the available statistics is always prudent before committing to buy or lease a home.